8 Easy Steps To Transform Your Room For Gaming Nirvana

Step 2 €“ Equipment

equipment So, the room€™s clear? Paint€™s dry? Let€™s decide where you€™re going to set up your operation. You don€™t need me to tell you that TV€™s work best with no window glare in front of them and an electrical socket behind them. But before going ahead and setting up your system, consider paying a visit to your local department store. Depending on where you live and what you already have, you might be able to pick up a sound system or even a mini fridge. Oh, and if you€™re using some cinderblocks and planks of wood, check out the entertainment units. It doesn€™t matter if you€™re making a personal Bat Cave or Emerald Hill Zone €“ there€™s something that will either work, or will be plain enough to go with anything.
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Art student, literature fan and Batman enthusiast from Eastern Australia. A veteran of the bloody console wars that took many lives (and pay checks).