8 Reasons PS4 Owners Are Jealous Of The Xbox One

Yeah, our controllers last longer than 20 minutes. It's awesome.

The 'console wars' of 2015 are a wonderfully fun load of toss. Such n' such runs better on PS4 or this n' that runs better on Xbox One - the end result always coming down to everyone busting out their collective magnifying glasses for the sake of splitting hairs and categorising the tiniest of details to gain the upper hand.

That said... can any PlayStation 4 owner actually make the case for why Sony deserve their commercial lead right now?

Instead of coming from a quality first-party lineup that made consumers plump for the hardware because of exclusives (ain't nobody flying the flag for Knack), Microsoft only lost their footing thanks to a godawful initial pitch, the resulting public hatred throwing them back to the starting line over and over again.

Yes, we know focussing on the Kinect was a misstep, we know the whole 'TV-focussed' ad campaigns didn't do squat for gamers and we know the dashboard could be better, but all the same the PS4 is far from perfect, and there's a laundry list of things the Xbox One does far better than Sony's baby too.

It's high-time these were made clear.

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