8 SEVERELY Underused Locations In Video Games

7. Nazi-Occupied France

spec ops the line
Pandemic Studios

In 1940, Germany defeated France in a war that, even today, seems absurdly quick. The Nazi's stormed France and had took complete control in a mere six weeks.

From there spawned the iconic image of Hitler and his generals standing before the Eiffel Tower. It's a time period that only lasted for only four years but it's one of the most unique in history. Only one game to date has tackled the period: The Saboteur.

The game, developed by Pandemic Studios, saw you play as an Irish immigrant in Paris, who works with an underground rebellion to free the city from the Nazi clutches. As you did so, the world turned from black and white to colour, in a wholly unique depiction of freedom from oppression. Pandemic Studios was shut-down less than a year after release by parent company, Electronic Arts.

This borderline bizarre time period in history, in which the streets of Paris were draped in swastikas, is one that is begging to be further explored by a modern video game. Nazis may be an overused plot device to be fair, but this period is so underutilised that it really doesn't matter.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.