8 Unforgivable Errors Every Video Game Movie Makes

6. Needlessly Roping In A-Listers

Super Mario Bros Goomba

Hollywood is still under the impression - despite the enormous popularity of video games worldwide - that people won’t want to see them turned into movies unless there’s a huge star on board. The problem with this is that the project then becomes less about the quality of the final product and more about how great Jake Gyllenhaal looks in a leather doublet.

There’s apparently an unwritten rule that you have to pay a bankable star truckloads of money to come and coast through the movie despite multiple examples of this failing. For example, Mark Wahlberg is more than capable of turning in a good performance when it suits him, but what the hell happened with Max Payne? They were so obsessed with adding in gratuitous Bullet Time sequences that they forgot to give him anything worthwhile to do.

Throwing the majority of a movie’s budget at an actor that has little to no interest in anything aside from a large payout leads to a substandard viewing experience.


Give the leading role to a talented up-and-comer who can inject some life into the part and not act as a distraction to the plot.

This isn’t necessarily advocating the total removal of A-listers from the cast, especially if they're willing to actually try, it’s just that maybe the creative teams aiming to be the first to create a passable video game adaptation should attempt another approach.


A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson