8 Ways Titanfall 2 Blows Battlefield 1 Out The Water

6. No Forced Companion Apps

battlefield 1 companion app

Titanfall 2 may be in deep with all the "Buy more energy drinks to earn more XP" shenanigans, but at least all the core functionality of the game i.e. its menus and overall presentation is efficient and easy to use.

I mean, Battlefield does feature the ability to change up your Loadout, but only if you're either already in a lobby, or in between matches. Yes, really.

Instead, like Destiny's Grimoire cards being in place of its story, if you want what should be an essential part of the game, you'll have to download and constantly refer to the Companion App. DICE have said that Loadouts were removed from the main menus thanks to being too unstable at launch, but that's almost no excuse - this is basic functionality that every shooter has had since Modern Warfare back in 2007.

Naturally, Titanfall 2 has this front and centre, and easily scores top marks because of it.

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