9 Landmark Fan Outrages That Changed Expensive Video Games

9. Mass Effect 3's Extended/Actual Ending

mass effect 3 synthesis

An oldie but a goodie, Mass Effect 3's ending was such a mis-marketed, badly communicated mess that following release, it got EA labelled the "Worst Company in America" from Consumerist magazine. Such fury even saw EA's stock drop for a solid two weeks, forcing the big-wigs to get back in touch with Bioware (who had already been badgered into releasing multiplayer components and DLC), cobbling together an "Extended Ending" that would assumedly quell the fires.

Thankfully, this ending addressed things like being able to talk back to the Starchild as he monologued about being in control of the Reapers, injecting additional scenes showing your team didn't abandon you quite so fast as the climactic battle unfolded. It was a bandaid on a gaping wound, but one that at least stymied the flow a tad, giving fans a slightly more palatable finale.

It's truly a shame that the bottom line of shareholder investment has to budge before companies like EA will blink, but in Mass Effect's case, we actually got some results.

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