9 Times Video Game Violence Went Too Far

6. Duke Nukem Forever's Holsom Twins

Duke Nukem Forever as a whole was an ugly, ugly game. In tone, content, and visuals, there wasn't one part of the entire experience that felt fun in the colourful, offbeat way that the franchise had always been until then.

Although nudity and violence has always been prevalent during the series, it at no point ever came across as mean-spirited or offensive - it was always in line with the exaggerated movie masculinity of the titular character. However, Forever features one particular instance of violence that's emblematic of how out of touch the latest game actually is with what made Duke so memorable in the first place. In one mission you find yourself blasting through an organic alien lair (that takes more than a little influence from Ridley Scott's signature sci-fi horror film) before stumbling across two familiar characters who so far in the game have only been depicted as insulting (and outdated) sex objects.

When you find them, strung up and naked up in the heart of the ship, they confess to Duke that they were forced to have sex with their alien captors. A second later they're ripped apart from the inside out while Duke cracks a one-liner. The entire scene, like the whole game, is just ugly - and the grimy visuals and dialogue make the violent end of the characters way more mean-spirited than it ever should have been.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3