9 Video Game Characters Who Would Make An Awesome Suicide Squad

8. Slipknot - Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)

Kratos Killer Croc

Slipknot is one of the least memorable characters in the Suicide Squad movie, so it may seem strange to have him paired up with the iconic Gordon Freeman. However, Gordon’s silence throughout Half-Life makes him perfectly suited to take on Adam Beach’s role, as does his intelligence.

Although Slipknot sometimes seems like a bumbling idiot - getting tricked by Boomerang, of all people into testing the neck-bombs - he has a claim at being the most intelligent of the bunch, at least on paper. Harley was once a psychologist and June and archeologist, but Slipknot’s chemistry skills could top the lot of them. Freeman too boasts an above average intellect, having spent years working as a theoretical physicist.

Freeman is not above bonehead moves of his own though. Several trophy and achievement hunters had him carry a gnome around for the whole of Half-Life 2, which hardly seems like the best use of his skills. Then there was that time he and his team unleashed an alien invasion on the world...

With his background in science rather than crime or war, Freeman may not seem ideally suited to the Squad. But then, given Slipknot’s lack of impact on the plot, neither was he.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)