9 Video Games You Didn't Realise Stupidly Broke Their Own Rules

8. Shelby Could Hide His OWN THOUGHTS?! - Heavy Rain

Heavy rain shelby
Quantic Dream

The Rule:

Dealing with the rampant killing spree of the Origami Killer, private detective Scott Shelby takes the case on behalf of various of grieving parents. We see him go through everything from discussing former victims to taking care of a small baby, gunning his way through a suspect's array of bodyguards and all-round progressing the case, piece by piece.

Near the end of Heavy Rain, it's revealed that Shelby was the killer all along, masterminding the scheme from the inside out. He supposedly used his role as a detective to keep tabs on parents after his own failed him, leaving his brother to die.

But Wait...

Heavy Rain doesn't have a HUD, so level objectives, hints and key pieces of evidence are highlighted to the player through a "character thoughts button". Done by holding L2, you can see your character's thoughts at any given time.

Why, then, was Shelby lying to himself as to what his role in all of this was? Why was he wondering who the killer could be, how he was going to go about the investigation, or why was he worrying about things going wrong?

A crowbarred-in plot twist for the sake of nothing more than in-the-moment shock value?

Surely not, Mr. Cage...

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