Assassin's Creed Kingdom Wishlist: 10 Things We Need To See

9. Character Customisation

Assassin's Creed Kingdom

Assassin’s Creed has changed gears slightly in recent years. Since the introduction of a skill tree upon level up, it’s been moving closer into the RPG-lite territory that many games are adopting these days. With that in mind, perhaps it’s time they stick or twist.

Sticking would be going back to their roots, abandoning the RPG elements they’ve been folding in and being more of a sandbox action adventure game again. Given the direction they’ve been heading, retreating in this fashion seems unlikely.

Twisting though means offering a closer RPG style experience, starting with a bit of character customisation. Whether it’s from some preset looks, bodies and hairstyles, or a full on sliders and minuscule tweaking system, putting your own stamp on an Assassin would be a welcome change.

It’s not always been that easy to connect with the player character, as discussed in more depth later. Being able to physically build them would be a good start in fixing that.

Character customisation is very in vogue right now too, and with Kingdom the ideal time to implement it, there could be a lot of momentum generated by this feature.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)