Batman Arkham: Court Of Owls - 10 Villains That MUST Appear

9. Professor Pyg

Batman Arkham Insurgency

Professor Pyg has only appeared in a solitary Arkham game to date (Arkham Knight) but he absolutely crushed it in this cameo. The rest of the returning villains featured here are ones with slightly unfulfilled potential, but with Pyg it’s just a case of getting him back on screen anyway WB Montreal can.

Finding his Dollotron warehouse in Knight was an eerie experience; Batman has always had a gothic vibe but this was something else. It was much closer to the likes of Bioshock, Resident Evil or Silent Hill than Batman normally gets. A similar set piece that leaned into the creepy aesthetic even more would certainly be welcome in Court Of Owls.

Pyg himself offers a unique dynamic compared to the other villains too. In lock up, he disgusts Two Face, Azrael, Penguin and the rest. Only Deathstroke even talks to him, and that’s only to put him in contact with a man he knew in Vietnam who makes wallets out of skin.

The Dollotrons certainly offer a wide scope for new gameplay, and Pyg’s personality is unique even in Batman’s twisted world. More exploration of his relationship with his son would be great too.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)