Battlefield 4: 10 Impressions From The Beta

10. It Needs Optimization On PC

Battlefield 4 Optomisation A lot of players were finding that even with high-end machines that they were unable to reach 60 FPS, which is usually the aim of many PC gamers as it gives the best fluidity to gameplay. Others with less capable machines were running the game fine and depending on what server you joined there could be massive lag spikes. Such a spike came as a building came tumbling down, to such a degree that I missed it entirely as it came crashing down on my head. There is no arguing that the beta was invaluable for Dice and their optimization needs when it comes to PC: they are now hopefully well aware that not every PC will be able to run the game until it is properly optimized.

9. Sniping Is Strange


I€™ll admit I only just got into sniping in BF3, as I invariably tend to take more of an assault/support role, but eventually I picked up the sniper and really worked at it to become somewhat adequate. In BF4 sniping requires range finding, which is something all those Arma players are laughing at now, also the bullets leave a trail, which can confuse you when aiming. I€™m sure more adept players than myself have adapted quickly and are taking out people from 800m, but there will inevitably be others in the same boat as me who will probably leave the recon class to those who do it better, even if recon now come with C4.

Folk know me as Al but I mostly go by Bald Gamer Dude, I not only write but have a gaming YouTube channel ( and run a Podcast too ( You can usually find me on the comfy chair with controller in hand or at the PC nursing a bad case of RSI.