Before GTA V: 10 Greatest Side Characters in GTA History

9. Little Jacob

In the sea of betrayal and back-stabbing that is the history of the GTA franchise, it€™s always memorable when you meet a character that sticks by your side to the end. Little Jacob is one such character. He€™s in possession of a rigid €“ if a little misaligned €“ moral compass, a fierce sense of loyalty toward his friends (that€™s you), a wicked accent and a trunk full of purchasable weaponry. Which makes him a friend indeed. Little Jacob is perhaps one of the greatest friends to take out driving as the conversations he and Niko have about the people they know and the world around them are often deeply philosophical, revealing huge insights on the subtext of the story. That€™s if you can understand word one that come out of his mouth that is, which is admittedly difficult at first thanks to his extreme accent, even with subtitles on. Despite this though - perhaps because of this - Little Jacob is one of the most unique and interesting NPC characters in the entire GTA canon.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.