Destiny 2: 9 Leaked Details & Speculations You Need To Know

The most important things to know about Bungie's worst kept secret.

Destiny The Dawning

The sequel to Destiny, one of the most polarizing games in recent memory, may be one of the worst kept secrets in gaming history. Everyone knew it was coming, even with talks of a "10 year plan" for Destiny as a platform. Because let's be real, this plan never meant the first Destiny was going to last a decade, just that there was a 10 year plan for the franchise - something that when first implemented included not one, but three sequels.

As time with went on we saw more expansions and no official mention of a sequel, all while the internet rumbled with rumours and speculation about what was to come. Now here we are, Destiny 2 has officially been announced, and it's safe to say that's only because promotional posters leaked to the internet a week prior.

Forced to play their hand, Bungie revealed the sequel to fans shortly after with a cinematic trailer; a staple for the company. With that, pre-orders were up, information was out and the community was salivating.

A lot has come to light about Destiny 2 recently, with some of it being more prevalent. Long standing rumors have been confirmed whilst others continue to be formed. As this information gets out and is torn apart by the Destiny community, more details are sure to be deciphered, but here's every major piece of info you need to know so far...


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.