Detroit: Become Human Review: 6 Ups & 2 Downs


2. Movement Is Extremely Clunky

Detroit Become Human

One of the biggest problems from past Quantic Dreams games is unfortunately still a pretty big issue for Detroit.

Controlling any of the three main characters is often like trying to move a tank down a hallway. Movements are very imprecise and sudden, which means that trying to get in front of something specific in order to interact with it is almost always a pain.

It doesn't help that camera movement is tied to the right stick, which is also what you use to interact with pretty much everything in the game world. This means that the game will often confuse movements, resulting in some pretty frustrating game moments.

Detroit does try its best to alleviate these problems by making the areas as tight as possible, but unfortunately it doesn't really work all that well.

Having a really tense story moment ruined by your character spinning around in circles and failing a button prompt can ruin the moment pretty fast.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.