GTA V: 10 Rumours We Don’t Want To Come True

10. Next-Gen Console Release

When the first round of GTA V screenshots emerged people went batsh*t crazy. Speculation hit an all-time high, which saw fans of the series entertaining deep analysis of the new promo material. One rumour I myself might be guilty of propagating a little (sorry, but it seemed like news at the time), is that the screenshots potentially represent next-gen quality in terms of graphics and could possibly hint at R*€™s intentions to release the game exclusively on next-gen consoles. One thing is for damn sure, R* would be shooting themselves in the foot if they chose to release GTA V on the next gen of consoles as it€™d effectively mean their only sales would come from players who had enough expandable income to shell out on a brand new machine, as well as the RRP of the game. However with the recent announcement that the next-gen would be revealed as early as the next E3 in 2013, this rumour is perhaps lent a little credence. Still, a next-gen release would be a massive slap in the face to any returning GTA fan; enough for me to assuredly say it€™s a rumour we definitely don€™t want to see come to fruition.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.