GTA V Trailers: 10 Big Things You Might Have Missed

1. Animals

The very first shot you'll see in GTA V's original reveal trailer (pictured above) features, as you can see, a dog. No big deal, right? Especially given the fact that there's so little actual emphasis on it. Wrong. Rockstar trailers are almost always hotbeds of subtle nods to gameplay features and elements, blink-and-you'll-miss-it style. Then, the second trailer went on to features what looks to be the same dog, in a shot which screams that animals will in fact be present as a part of GTA V's gameplay - picture below. How heavily? Unfortunately, R* have mentioned very little about it (you know how tight-lipped they can get), but with the repeated visual reference in mind, I'd say there's a good chance that animals will feature quite heavily. Reading the evidence as best as I can, I'd argue that one of your three characters (very likely Franklin, judging from released artwork) will own this dog and maybe even be able to bring it with him on missions, perhaps setting it on enemies as one of his 'special abilities'. Of course, I could be wrong, but either way, you can bet that GTA V, for the first time ever I might add, will undoubtedly bring animals into the mix.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.