Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Major Reveals From D23 2018

2. New Utada Hikaru Song/Main Theme

Easily one of the most surprising things to come out of D23 was the reveal of Utada Hikaru's new song for Kingdom Hearts 3.

Don't Think Twice (or Oath) has been revealed to be the main theme song of Kingdom Hearts 3, and boy is it different from what we've seen before. We only heard about one minute of the song, but it was enough to get a good idea of what it means to Kingdom Hearts 3.

Whereas Simple and Clean and Sanctuary were both extremely poppy and upbeat songs, Don't Think Twice is much slower, and focuses more on Utada Hikaru's own lyrics and much more orchestral instruments.

Considering how slow the song is, some people have speculated that it might be the end credits theme instead of the starting theme, but I personally think it's a much more mature take on an theme song. The song itself almost seems to be sending the series off, which is rather fitting for the last game in the Xehanort saga.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.