Mass Effect Andromeda: 15 Hidden Easter Eggs & Secrets You Need To Find

14. Saren Arterius (Mass Effect 1)

mass effect saren

Now we're talking. If you head to Havarl and keep an eye out for Avitus Rix, you'll discover he - like the main antagonist of Mass Effect, Saren Arterius - was also a former Spectre (the top-tier 'intergalactic police force' you gain the rank of in the first game).

Rix talks about how Saren was the person who recommended him to the Council in the first place, and - like how you could go down the Paragon path to acknowledge Saren's brainwashing and get him to fight Sovereign's control - adds "If you believe the rumours, the Saren I know was ruthless, not crazy".

mass effect turian

By a country mile, this is one of the coolest ways to address the 'official story' of what got recorded in history books, alongside what some of us saw during that pivotal fight on the Citadel.

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