Max Payne 3: Rockstar Offering New Chances To Become An Avatar

Now you've got a whole new month of chances to get your beautiful mug appear in the gang.

Rockstar has revealed that they will be offering Max Payne 3 players one more chance to have their beautiful mugs appear as members of a new Gang of Max Payne 3 Avatars. These new avatars will be released in one of the Max Payne 3 DLC packs set for release this Fall. Developers will be looking for new recruits from the online Multiplayer community. This will start tomorrow alongside the Double XP Weekend event, and continue through the month of July. Twice a week, for the next four weeks, an option to join the "Social Club Event Playlist" will be available to play within. Players that complete one full game, with a Social Club linked account, will automatically be considered for avatar transformation. Rockstar will send e-mails each week to a random group of players and invite them to send photos for consideration to become one of the new Gang Avatars. You must respond within 24 hours in order to be considered, so be sure you at least check your e-mail once a day if you're hoping to get your mug immortalized as a Max Payne 3 character. You can go ahead and work out all your best camera angles now, I'll wait. Okay, definitely the one from the right side, maybe the left...make a decision we don't have time! Now that you've gotten those out of the way, if you somehow aren't picked, be sure to enter again the following week. All you need to do is play another session in the Social Club Multiplayer Event, and you're good to go. Be sure to look out for our Local Justice DLC impressions coming soon, and let us know what you think of Rockstar's Avatar contest in the comments below! Source: Rockstar Games

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