Metal Gear Solid V: 20 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

18. Know If A Held-Up Enemy Is About To Attack

Across your time in both Afghanistan and Africa, depending on how you play, guards will start to adapt to your infiltration methods. They'll put helmets on if you're favouring headshots, deploy more sniper rifles if you're using one regularly, grab shields if you're CQC'ing them, and occasionally get entire suits of riot armour to prevent all four. As such, if you attempt to sneak up behind any guards that have ranked up and attempt to make them surrender, you'll be greeted after a few seconds by them attempting to take you down, rather than staying still. It can make you entire stealth operation go south within seconds - but there are a couple of ways to prepare, as if you know they're going to attack, you can then counter and knock them out instead. Firstly, as you've most likely marked them by pointing the gun in their direction, look to the icon above their heads. If it remains orange when they've put their hands up, it means they're still hostile, so be ready on R2/RT to counter. In addition, if you prod L1/LB to bring up the speech wheel and the 'Spit it out' or 'Where are your friends?' options aren't there, that also means they're about to strike back.
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Gaming Editor

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