Mortal Kombat: 20 Horrifically Stomach-Churning Fatalities

16. Sektor - The Scarecrow

Proving that he is in fact devoid of a soul, the cyborg Sektor takes sickening pleasure in firing off an anomalous star-shaped device which clamps to the chest of his victim. Inputting a code in his wrist panel causes the device to remotely light up and rapidly emit an ominous beeping, which sends his opponent into panic. The device then ejects multiple spikes from each star point locking itself to the ground and separating the victim into fleshy chunks, giving the frightening appearance of a dismembered scarecrow. It's a trusty way to keep the crows away from crops though - why would they go nibbling on the corn when they have a bastion of decaying flesh served up on a platter?

15. Skarlet - Blood Bath

Shao Kahn's sorcery birthed a bloodthirsty Hemomancer known as Skarlet. Proving that blood is the elixir of life thanks to her nature, she stabs her opponent through the ear with one of her blades to hold them in place and uses a second blade to slash their throat from ear to ear. In the ensuing blood fountain, Skarlet begins to relish in the crimson juice and happily shakes her face around to capture the blood splatter and then eventually releases her bloodless victim to fall to the ground. Damn was she thirsty.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.