Mortal Kombat: 20 Horrifically Stomach-Churning Fatalities

12. Sonya Blade - Poison Kiss

With Sonya Blade being the first female to appear in the series you wouldn't not expect her to finish her adversaries in some classy fashion. She begins by blowing a mysterious mist (complete with a floating love heart) into her opponent's face causing them to drop to their knees and start expelling their stomach contents and lining across the floor. Taking a turn for the worse, the victim then begins to spew forth an impressive amount of blood and whilst they are trying to recover, Sonya performs a leaping drop-kick which shatters their entire skull leaving brain matter and bone fragments to swim in the congealing vomit.

11. Stryker - Time Served

Doing his good-cop bad-cop routine, the enforcer of the law, Kurtis Stryker, gives us a smattering of police brutality. Ramming his taser into his opponent's ribs and giving them some high-voltage jittering, Stryker then pulls out his trusty handgun and delivers a shot to their face at point-blank range. We are treated to three varying-angle replays of the resulting explosion of scalp and brain matter as blood decorates the entire scene (to remind us that guns are dangerous, kids) as the headless body then crashes to the floor with their still-waggling tongue whipping around as if it was trying to figure out where the roof of its home has gone.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.