NBA 2K19: 8 New Features You Need To Know

7. New Stealing System

NBA 2K19
2K Games

Defence has always been a bit hit and miss in 2K's world. Dare to reach in on LeBron's space and you could expect to hear the shrill sound of an official's whistle and get a wrap on the knuckles for committing a reach-in foul. He'd probably shoot you a dirty look too.

This year, 2K have either dulled the senses of those refs or made stealing a bit easier. Whatever they've tweaked, it's for the best.

Now, reach-ins are a bit more straightforward. The same applies to blocking shots. There's more leeway overall, and it makes for a much less frustrating experience, especially on the higher difficulties when mistakes are more likely to be punished.

The change works both ways. Gone are the days of spamming L2/LT, pressing up against the man in possession and keeping an eye on play elsewhere. A new active steal system means timing is more crucial. This is pretty much 2K's way of offsetting the easier reach-ins.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.