Overwatch: 9 Jerk Moves You Need To Stop Doing

The most annoying things you can do to both friend and foe.

overwatch torbjorn

Blizzard estimates 25 million people currently play their latest gaming juggernaut, Overwatch. The colourful team shooter's combination of vivid, inclusive characters, varied playing styles, regular updates and overall polish has made it one of the biggest games in the world, Its appeal reaching from occasional Quick Play participants to aspiring e-athletes.

Indeed, Blizzard hooks players with accessible, fun gameplay and keeps them engaged with the promise of earning plaudits in ranked play, alongside dangling more unlockable skins, emotes and other goodies with each update.

Like many multiplayer games, the other players constitute both the best and worst elements of Overwatch. When your fellow gamers are able, courteous and helpful, the game is a wonderfully satisfying exercise in teamwork and communication, with teams working slickly together to capture points and escort payloads.

When the other players are jerks, however, Overwatch becomes a maddening, hate-spewing pit of misery, whether said jerks are on your side or against you. Some players just love to hear the voice chat filling with bile, expletives and the denigrating of one another's mothers, and there are plenty of annoying moves they employ to make that happen.

9. Ana Boosting Your Own Mercy

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Ana, the motherly Egyptian sniper/healer, is one of two characters added to Overwatch after the game's initial release. Her ultimate ability is a nano-boost that turns another friendly hero into a temporarily terrifying whirlwind of death, reducing damage taken and increasing damage put out. With the right timing it can turn a fight or win a match.

Unless Ana is being played by a jerk. In which case, her nano boost is likely to hit the person who can make the least use of it. Step forward Mercy, the game's dedicated healer whose pistol is typically a panic tool.

When Ana boosts Mercy, the Swiss Miss finds herself empowered to deal damage she can't really do. A boosted Mercy burns bright and hilarious, running around spamming pistol shots in an attempt not to waste Ana's ultimate, even while the rest of the team begs for her suddenly-absent healing stream. And the Ana player laughs at the bedlam that ensues, because some people are just terrible.

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Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.