Red Dead Online: 7 Reasons You Should Give It Another Chance

6. Mechanical Lessons Learned From The Offline Campaign

red dead online

Being in the online space, RDO gives Rockstar more freedom to tweak the gameplay mechanics than they have within the main story. Whilst it’s true that games can be patched in order to fix certain aspects of their offline modes, players tend to expect the online experience to be ever-changing more so. What’s considered jank to some, may be a charming quirk to others and making changes to the core player experience could result in unintended backlash.

With expectations for change in an online environment, Rockstar can experiment with new ideas then change content on a whim, dependent on customer feedback.

One thing new players in RDO will now notice (at least since the latest update) is that the weapon wheel doesn’t reset every time their character gets on and off a horse. Guns seemingly disappearing as a result of mounting and dismounting was a gripe for a lot of players when discussing the campaign’s gameplay. Having easy access to your selected weapons creates a far more smooth combat experience when playing online.

As Rockstar tweak and test new mechanics, their online component can only grow stronger. However, players need to engage in order to provide the feedback that leads to these improvements.


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