Red Dead Redemption 2: 15 Disturbing Secrets & Locations You Totally Missed

14. The Incestuous Dinner Party

It's always a 50/50 gamble when you run into a random shack in Rockstar's latest game. Either it's going to be occupied by friendly enough people (or basic bandits) who you can easily rob and move on from in less than five minutes, or it's going to have some terrifying random encounter laying in wait to completely take you by surprise.

One seems innocent enough at first, with a brother and sister sitting out front who invite you to join them for dinner. If you take up their offer, however, things start to get real weird, real quick. Straight away there's a strange, sexual connection between the two, as the man tells you to check on the woman upstairs who's getting changed. After that, they invite you to try some of their liquor, which knocks you out and leaves you free to be robbed and dumped in a ditch of dead bodies.

You of course head straight back and make them realise they've messed with the wrong outlaw, but a closer inspection of the house only makes it clear they're far sicker than they even appeared to be. It's hinted that they killed their own parents and buried them in the same ditch they threw you in, and all through the house you can find family pictures with the faces of said parents stabbed out. Worst dinner party ever.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3