Spider-Man PS4: 10 Marvel Games Insomniac Should Make Next

9. Captain America

Captain America Insomniac
Marvel Comics

Cap is probably one of the most familiar faces when you think of Marvel, so it seems a shame that he's been fairly underrepresented on the video game front recently, barring his first movie tie-in Captain America: Super Soldier on last gen consoles or roles in Marvel ensemble titles or the LEGO games.

This is a shame because there really is so much we could do with Captain America. Give us meaty combat and plenty of opportunities to let his iconic shield loose and it'll be more than satisfying enough. His military expertise could even lend itself to some more tactical gameplay, especially if there are sections that lean more heavily into Steve's character origin.

Because of the character's history, we could flit from less bombastic and more tactical mission right the way forward in time to modern battles alongside over Avengers. Hell, with such a mainstay, we could even go into some of his stranger history like the Nomad era if necessary. As long as Insomniac got the Cap's ultra-moral approach and his "out of time" personality, Captain America has charisma to burn as the lead in his own game.


Inevitably talking about Into The Spiderverse. Lover of movies, books and games, not necessarily in that order. @Are_You_Shore I also co-host a podcast now! www.youtube.com/channel/UCKS4_sumDLinlzgdMBAZk7g