Star Trek Video Game: Mega Preview & Interview With SVP Of Paramount Brian Miller


serious One of Star Trek 2009's biggest criticisms was directed towards the writing and plot and this game has been penned by the same writers, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. But co-writing credit goes to Marianne Krawczyk, who has a writing CV that includes the God Of War series. From what we picked up, it appears the Vulcan scientists are building a device that will rebuild their home planet Vulcan, after it was destroyed by Nero in the previous film. But the Gorn decide they want to steal it and turn the device into a weapon. You could say that it all sounds very much like the Genesis Device that caused so many problems in Star Trek II and III. You could also question why the Vulcan's want to rebuild their home planet when they might as well colonize a new one but in the realm of the video game, the story is simple enough to follow and carry you through each set piece. The dialogue was very similar to the kind we saw in Star Trek 2009 but it was nice to see some ''science talk'' between the scientists which echoed old school Star Trek. A Vulcan named T'mar will play a huge part in the story.


kirk The whole cast are here lending their voices and likeness to the game. Digital Extremes have done a decent enough job of recreating the crew of the Enterprise but Chris Pine (Kirk) and Simon Pegg (Scotty) did look scary in places. Chris Pine seemed the most natural delivering his lines with Zachary Quinto (Spock) sounding like he's reading a script. It might not have been Bioshock level of voice acting but it works fine and keeps you listening. Simon Pegg did a lot of improvising when recording his lines and it's been kept in the game.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.