10 Worst Ever Levels In Hitman Video Games

9. Rosewood - Absolution

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IO Interactive

A Catholic church would have been a great place to hid the girl that 47 promised his handler Diana to protect. Unfortunately, notorious madman-with-a-gun Wade has been hired by the big bad villain of the game to kidnap her, with help from his armed goons in scary masks and tacky blazers. Security has been tied up, and the lift to Victoria requires three wires. Time for a fetch quest, kids! 

Having to listen to the same annoying conversations in this level is especially annoying because they keep swearing back at one another. Take the beginning of the level, for example. If you climb out of the lift shaft, you'll be spotted by the two guards there. Every time you restart the level, or play it for the first time, you have to wait for their 15 seconds of “if we don't find her, Wade'll rip us all a new a**hole” to finish. And it feels longer, each time you replay that chapter. There aren't too many opportunities to get rid of the nasty dudes in exotic ways, aside from injecting them and dumping their bodies in the ball pit.

The chase after Wade requires skulking around the shadows through a short, linear passage with the occasional clueless guard positioned carelessly. Wade will be ready for an ambush from behind the boilers, but why bother rushing in to go for a slow-motion headshot when you can take a convenient shortcut through a vent nearby, turn a valve and blast his ugly mug with a few hundred degrees of hellfire?

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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.