The Walking Dead Game Season 2: 5 Reasons Why It's Still Great

5. It Showed That It Still Meant Business

Right in the first moments, we skip ahead what must be at least five months to a pregnant Christa, Omid and Clementine arrive at Gil's Pitstop (the main focus of 400 Days), using the bathrooms to make some attempts to freshen up. Clementine checks the stalls as some scavenger hurries in to take whatever she can find, and during the scuffle Omid is shot and killed. We jump to 16 months later, and Christa and Clementine are alone (notice the lack of a baby too). Being that this game must despise its characters, wishing death upon them continuously, Christa is separated from Clementine, and after a brutal trip down a ravine, Clementine washes up on the shore alone and afraid. What a way to kick off a game. The only other familiar faces in the game from the first season were Christa and Omid (who I never really cared all that much for anyway, especially compared to the likes of Lee, Kenny or Chuck), and immediately the second season showed its power by killing off one of the few familiar faces we had left and then getting rid of the other one. All this after what must be nearly two years of remorseless hardships for the remaining trio.


Nerd. Not much else to say on that front. Television, film, comic book and general useless trivia enthusiast. Maybe you'll find me funny.