World Of Warcraft: 9 Modern Complaints Real Fans Are Sick Of Hearing

9. "Stupid, Filthy Casuals, Ruining Our Game!"

The off-shoot of WoW's passionate loyalists is the rise of the €˜casualist€™. And yes, €˜casualism€™ is most definitely not a made-up thing. In fact, this refers to the belief that all members of the casual subscriber base possess the inferior characteristics, in their capacity as a person and a WoW player, to which all of the past, present and future problems of WoW can be attributed to. The worlds of these opposing forces, the hardcore and the casual, frequently encounter in raids, dungeons and questing; and when the slightest, insignificant problem arises in any form, expect to see the chat spewed with incoherent accusations aimed at the casual for ruining everything that is sacred about WoW. Casualists represent only a minority of the WoW community, however, but they can be so loud and arrogant and filled with self-entitlement that they falsely come across as representing the entirety of the community. WoW is a changing game and the subscriber demographics only reflect the rise in casual gaming.

Writer, day-dreamer, dragon rider.