XCOM: Enemy Unkown Diving Deep With Developers

Are you ready to strategically eliminate they unknown threat?

"We sort of turned the time units into a simplified version where the player has a number of moves they can perform per turn. And they can choose to move, they can choose to move and shoot, they can choose to move really far, and based on different abilities their soldiers have maybe they can use those to do different things."

With a great focus on being able to create an enhanced core gameplay experience, the team goes on to discuss how they've, "made the game sexy", as well as their take on how to improve the command base. While I don't want to spoil the entire video for you, I think you should just check it out for yourself. Needless to say, I'm very excited for the fall. http://youtu.be/fPLTPj8SUhU Are you ready to strategically eliminate they unknown threat? Let me know below!

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