10 Subjects Guaranteed To Start An Argument

Grab your torch and pitchfork...

It's a familiar situation for everyone. You're in the pub, surrounded by friends and you've consumed several beverages of a rather alcoholic variety. The conversation is flowing just as quickly as the booze until suddenly, people stop dead. Someone has said something controversial and the rest of the group is definitely not going to let it go. There is going to be some sort of blood spillage, whether it's physical or merely intellectual. Debates can be fun occasions where controversial ideas (and often pretty imaginative swear words) are thrown around and thrashed out amongst friends. However, they can also put a premature end to any social event if two or more people spend time at each other's throats. Friendships can be battered and relationships can be strained to breaking point over something as simple as which sports team someone follows or something as complex and weighty as whether someone believes in a deity. In order to keep the peace avoid the social horror that can be caused by an argument, there are a number of topics that have to be avoided at all costs. So just don't mention any of these things over a pint.
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Family Guy
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Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.