20 Facts Every Harry Potter Super-Nerd Should Know

12. Hermione Puckle And Draco Spinks

Say whatever else you like about Harry Potter, but it cannot be denied that the characters are thoughtfully and generally very appropriately named: two examples that may come to mind are that of Hermione Granger, the genius witch with an eccentric but well-fitting name, and Draco Malfoy, a name €“ meaning €œDragon€ and €œbad faith€ €“ that just oozes that snooty, old-blood, Dark wizard feel like nothing else. Interestingly, these two characters were once called very different things. Hermione began her life as €œHermione Puckle,€ which makes her sound more like a well-meaning Hobbit than anything, something Rowling realizes and quickly changed. Meanwhile, Malfoy's majestic moniker was once a similarly clumsy €œDraco Spinks,€ which is all manners of bizarre. Spinks became Spungen in some later drafts €“ not a massive improvement €“ but ultimately was revised to the €œMalfoy€ we love to hate.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.