Disney's Star Wars Land: 10 Dream Attractions Fans Need To See

9. Ride Through The Swamps Of Dagobah

Star Wars Land Falcon Yoda At-At

Though Disney World is largely associated with fun, quirky family rides, there are also darker rides that offer light-hearted thrills and chills. Rides like the original Pirates Of The Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion offer a bit of variety for people who aren't necessarily bound by the responsibilities of young children, and it'd be a shame for Star Wars Land not to take advantage of this.

Out of the many varied settings that Star Wars takes place in, the swampland of Dagobah is not only one of the most eerie but also one of the most unknown. Despite Luke Skywalker spending a lot of time there with Yoda, you can't help but get the sense that there's a whole lot more to the planet than meets the eye. A boat ride through the Swamps of Dagobah, then, is ripe territory for something a little more unnerving. Ride-goers could gently drift through the foggy swamp, with atmospheric sound effects and lots of bizarre, unknown plants and fauna to keep things interesting.

While ride-goers make their way through the swamp they could pass Yoda's house, abandoned and silent. One of the biggest frights could be meeting the surreal Darth Vader that Luke himself meets in the films, with its mask blowing off to reveal the face underneath. And what if the climax of the ride was passing the downed X-Wing almost totally submerged in water, watching it gently rise at its revealed Luke and Yoda stand nearby in force training?


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.