You'll Never Get 100% On This Luke Cage Quiz

How well do you know the antics of Mike Colter's Power Man?


Just thinking of the fact that Marvel's Luke Cage was unceremoniously cancelled after just two seasons is enough to get a frustrated sigh out of most of the people who watched Netflix's Mike Colter-starrer.

Much like Charlie Cox's Daredevil, Krysten Ritter's Jessica Jones, Finn Jones' Iron Fist, and Jon Bernthal's Punisher, Luke Cage was axed as Netflix decided against continuing forward with any of its live-action Marvel shows.

Some hold out hope that these characters may somehow end up being brought back to life either on Hulu or possibly even on the impending Disney+ streaming service, yet that could all ultimately just be a case of wishful thinking.

For those two seasons - not to mention for The Defenders miniseries - Colter delivered an absolutely stunning iteration of Luke Cage. So many of the elements that have made Power Man such a popular figure amongst Marvel Comics fans for decades were captured perfectly in the show, with Colter proving to be a perfect piece of casting for the role.

How well do you remember the adventures of Luke Cage's two seasons, though? Hopefully pretty well, for we've assembled a quiz here that even the biggest fan of Marvel's Luke Cage will struggle to get 100% on.

1. What Is The Name Of Luke's Deceased Wife?

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