12 Completely Insane Inventions That Actually Got Made

Better re-write that Christmas list.

Japanese Tomato Robot
Kagome Co

Without the innovative spirit of inventors, we'd still all be living in caves, hitting each other with rocks.

These trailblazers see things that others don't: The public needs, the latest fashions and the gaps in the market. Who'd have thought that there would ever be a need for a stick to take selfies or a pair of leggings made to look like jeans? We never saw it coming, but those plucky inventors did and made it so.

That said, there have been one or two slightly more questionable innovations over the years. There are many wonderful things about the modern world, but there are also a fair few things that make you think that maybe some people have got too much time and money on their hands these days.

It's when you realise that some sensible adults have actually bought a device that makes your boiled eggs cubed shaped, or that someone actually wasted their time inventing air-conditioned shoes, that you begin to wonder whether humanity may have gone too far.

This isn't just limited to modern times either. In fact, when you look back through history, most of the human race's most cracked of crackpots have been busy inventing pointless stuff since time immemorial.

12. Thumb Sucking Inhibitor

Japanese Tomato Robot
US Patent Office/Wikipedia

Thumb sucking is no joke, it can ruin your teeth, damage your thumbs and open you up to the ridicule of your peers.

If you want to kick your thumb sucking habit to the curb, then boy do we have the device for you. 

This Thumb Sucking Inhibitor consists of a barbed steel girder that slips inconspicuously over the thumb and prevents the wearer from putting their thumb anywhere near their mouth ... or anywhere else for that matter 

(On that note, users should exercise extreme caution if wearing the device whilst using the lavatory - one lapse in concentration could end in disaster).

Now, you no longer have to worry about the social stigma of thumb sucking, as everyone will be too busy laughing at your thumb-mounted chastity belt to care whether or not you indulge in the occasional thumb suck.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.