8 Ways Evolution Has Made You Terrified Of Everything

Damn, existence, you scary!

The world is a terrifying place and life is a terrifying thing. The bad news is that there's nothing you can do about it. You have evolved for millions of years to be a tense, vigilant and fearful ape, panic is just a part of your biology I'm afraid. The thing is, these instincts evolved when we were virtually wild animals, swinging through trees or wandering the African plains and, as you might have noticed, the majority of us no longer live like this. In our world of Volvos, snuggies and microwave pizza, those instincts that were perfectly reasonable on the ancestral plains, suddenly transform into an inventory of neuroses, fears and phobias that don't appear to make a lick of sense. So, Evolution, you're a wonderful thing, but you're also kind of a d*ck.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.