10 Little Known Facts About Ronda Rousey

The fascinating insights into Ronda Rousey as a person.

There is no doubt that Ronda Rousey is probably one of the most popular MMA superstars today. Her every girl look, her blunt choice or words and her mostly positive attitude has given her both positive and negative feedback. In spite of all of her popularity there are somethings about the UFC Champion that many fans don't know about her. Most of it has been revealed overtime in small bits and peaces but no one has actually compiled it all together. Some of it is positive, some of it is negative and some of it is interesting. Things like her hobbies, her training secrets and her date life are somewhat of a mystery at times but if one digs deep they can actually find out about it. These little details reveal facts about Rousey's life that can make her quirky or just unique. They can be fun but they can also be a little repulsive. One can point fingers but no one can doubt that she's unique and these traits make her unique. All of these details also help in defining her and revealing her motivations. There's no doubt that Rousey is one of a kind. Here are the little known facts that make up "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey.

Matthew Salzer fell in love with Mixed Martial Arts when he watched Pride Fighting Championships on Japanese TV. He is a lifelong wrestler having earned a Bachelor of Science at Missouri Baptist University. Matthew is the Senior Editor at MMA Freak and has written for Funky Monkey MMA, H4 Entertainment, and MMA Fiends.