7 Wildly Different Iterations Of The Punisher

From the weird to the wonderful...

The state a hero leaves the villain in speaks volumes for their character. Spider-Man will generally tie up the bad guys in a mass of pubescent symbolism and a post-it note. Aquaman leaves them without their dignity. The Punisher, though? The Punisher has them Eskimo kiss an Uzi and puts so many holes in their faces they end up looking like Seal just got attacked by a pack of seals. His name isn€™t €˜Non-threatening Foot Massage Man€™. It€™s the Punisher. Frank Castle is a force of nature and if he sets his sights on you then you are not long for this world. Reflective of his black and white vision of morality, Castle isn€™t a complex man. He€™s a product of and an answer to crime. The bogeyman for boogeymen. Beginning as a foil for Spider-Man and slowly developing into the merciless vigilante that we all know and love, Frank Castle is of a different breed. He doesn€™t guide villains through the proverbial revolving door of the justice system. He smokes them faster than a hipster with a pack of menthols. Is the Punisher insane or is he the sanest man alive? That€™s for you to decide. Here are some of the best (and worst) versions of the most dangerous man in the Marvel Universe...
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The Punisher
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.