10 Adult Swim Infomercials Better Than Too Many Cooks

Descend into Infomadness!

Too Many Cooks First thing's first. Have you seen Too Many Cooks? If not, well, prepare yourself for one of the most bizarre parodies of sitcom opening sequences, comparable to a drug infused cinematic vision of Purgatory. When it's not funny, it's outright hellish. When it just seems to get too repetitive, it completely changes into something else. If you love Adult Swim for its edgy animations, its high time you knew that the people at Williams Street are also apt at producing some of the most brain-melting pieces of live action to ever make you question your sanity. Lately, some of these sketches (labeled as "Infomercials") have gained a bit of momentum. It's all due to Too Many Cooks becoming something of an internet phenomenon in early November, 2014. However, its success has overlooked how good some of the other Adult Swim Infomercials are. To be fair, they weren't really meant to be that successful, considering that Adult Swim usually airs them very late at night. But now, their official YouTube channel seems determined to fix this, as most of them are already uploaded there, so that you may get your dose of masochistic entertainment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrGrOK8oZG8 So before you start considering a one way trip to the loony bin, make sure you watch these 10 short gems that are just as good as Too Many Cooks, if not better.
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Adrian Serban lives in Bucharest, Romania where he has studied screenwriting and film criticism. But it's not all about artsy European dramas for him, as he's also a fan of horrors, kung-fu flicks and sci-fi films of all eras. Monty Python and Doctor Who are two British institutions that changed his life for the better. Or so he thinks.