10 Book Series That Would Make Great TV Shows

We've had Game Of Thrones, now what about these...

metro.co.ukmetro.co.ukGame Of Thrones has done for fantasy novels what Sam Raimi's first Spider-Man movie did for comic book films. Now the networks are racing to pick up a genre series to start adapting to the small screen in order to put up some kind of competition to the multi-Emmy award winning TV show. The problem is which books will work on the small screen and which won't? We all witnessed, with horror, the television adaptation of Jim Butcher's much beloved Dresden Files series into an incredibly short lived TV series that only ran for a single season of twelve episodes. Many pointed to the fact that it did not follow the books in any way, shape or form, an error that Game Of Thrones chose not to replicate (mostly.) To answer the question 'which show?' we've looked through our bookcases and compiled a list of ten awesome books series that would make for a great TV experience.
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Just a jolly ol' pop culture nerd living just outside London in England. I dabble in a little bit of everything but specialise in wrestling, gaming and comic books.