10 Forgotten Doctor Who Stories That Are Just As Good As 'The Classics'

10. The Happiness Patrol

Doctor Who The Happiness Patrol Full of original ideas and unique concepts, this story emerged during Season 25 of the classic series when Doctor Who was just beginning to rediscover its own potential (a rediscovery sadly cut short by its cancellation a year later). The Happiness Patrol contains some strong characters, an entertaining plot and some thinly veiled political messages. It does however also contain the Candyman, which many consider to be a monster too far. However the Candyman doesn't actually have that much screen time and certainly isn't the main villain of the piece. Reputation may tell you that the Bertie Bassett lookalike ruins the story but this is far from the truth.
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I'm a scriptwriting graduate and a keen writer. A huge Doctor Who fan, amongst other things. I'm a teacher, novelist and occasional DJ with many interests.