10 Greatest Original Musical Moments From Classic Non-Musical Shows

10. Smelly Cat - Friends (S2E6)

Smelly Cat2 Possibly one of the most iconic parts of Friends, Phoebe's song "Smelly Cat" is known almost as well as the series itself. It first appeared in the episode "The One With The Baby On The Bus" but has appeared on several episodes throughout the series and has been her signature song. It gets picked up by a record producer, used as a kitty litter jingle and its origins are hinted at being from her father singing 'Sleepy Girl" to her as a child. The song wouldn't win any awards for musical brilliance, but it has been attributed as a metaphor for Phoebe's character. It depicts the image of a poor cat that smells because the owners neglect it and as a result is shunned. Phoebe sympathises with the cat in the same way she is always so unashamedly unique and quirky. In an amusing outro to its very first episode, Phoebe teaches Smelly Cat to the professional singer who replaced her at the coffee house, Central Perk. Phoebe is hilariously particular about how the very simple song should be played and sung. She coaches her and consoles her when she gets it 'wrong' saying she shouldn't feel bad because it's a hard song. When Stephanie Schiffer (played by guest star Chrissie Hynde) tries to improvise, Phoebe scolds that it is too much. The way Phoebe repeatedly tries to overcomplicate her composition and Stephanie politely goes along with it allows for a brilliantly funny introduction to the song who's memory will last as long as the beloved series itself.

Born in Yorkshire, Katie is a freelance journalist currently based in Essex. As a keen sports writer, Katie has a diploma in Multimedia Journalism from the Press Association and has worked on the busy Newcastle Chronicle sports desk. She has also written for Gateshead FC and contributed to various websites including Give Me Sport. When she's not watching sports, films or playing music, she's gaming. 8 hours and eventually reaching wave 80 on Modern Warfare 3′s Resistance is a productive day!