10 TV Shows That Were Spoiled By Romantic Couples

8. 7th Heaven - Lucy Camden And Kevin Kinkirk

Game of Thrones Cersei Jaime Lannister
The WB

When 7th Heaven started, Lucy was the middle child who often felt left out and suffered from low self-esteem. As time went on, she grew in confidence, eventually choosing to go into the ministry. While she did do that, she also met Kevin Kinkirk.

When Kevin was introduced, it was during a period of time when the writers seemed bound and determined to marry all of the oldest children off quickly, no matter how absurdly short the amount of time that the potential spouses knew each other.

So, Lucy met Kevin while she was away from home, and in almost a blink of an eye, he had moved across the country to live in Lucy's family's garage - declaring that they were going to get married. He also turned out to be very controlling and have an air of superiority about him. Yes, an air of superiority over the people who were allowing him to live in their garage. His controlling nature also seemed to do some damage to her relatively newfound confidence that so many fans had enjoyed seeing her grow into.

Lucy had had a number of boyfriends before Kevin. Almost immediately before he was introduced, she had been seeing her sister's former boyfriend Robbie (her sister approved). If the writers were so desperate to marry Lucy off, it remains somewhat mind-boggling why they didn't pick one of her former suitors in a more realistic way, rather than abruptly stick her with the unpopular Kevin.


I like to think I'm a clever person, but apparently I'm not clever enough to come up with a witty biography.