13 Badass Doctor Who Moments That Made Us All Cheer

13. The New Doctor Finally Wakes Up

The Christmas Invasion was the first trial if the audience of the modern era could accept the concept of regeneration and a new Doctor. The writers approached this by making the new Doctor, David Tennant, be asleep throughout the majority of the episode because he needed to recharge after the regeneration process -- why not. But turns out this was a great idea because it made his little appearances all the more grander. It's Christmas in the episode and aliens are invading the earth. Without the Doctor, the aliens were just getting their way. Chaos was everywhere and the situation getting worst and worst. The humans cannot even understand the invaders because the TARDIS's language translator is off while the Doctor was sleeping. Suddenly, as the situation was in its breaking point, the leader of the invaders spoke English. At first the humans where confused, but then it hits them, the Doctor was back. Then comes the Tenth Doctor's great entrance: Cue the swelling heroic music. The camera zooms pass over the humans to the TARDIS, the doors open, revealing the Doctor all smiling, signaling that everything is under control. He verbally dominates the invading leader and using only his knowledge of their culture defeated them with ease, saving the earth, all while in the comforts of his pajamas; as if to say, "Wow, that was a good night sleep. Is it Monday today? Let me just stop the evil aliens, and then let's have breakfast." Who would have doubted David Tennant after that?

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