4 Movies That Should Continue As TV Shows

2. Final Destination

The Final Destination films have always been somewhat of a guilty pleasure for my friends and I. However, even I must admit that a certain degree of fatigue has set in with the franchise and a change up in format might be the next logical step, especially as the last instalment brought the series full circle. The concept of each of the films is that the lead character has a premonition that saves an assorted group of people from a horrendous accident only for them to be slowly picked off by Death one by one in the order that they were originally supposed to die. The films are famous for their inventive kills but often criticised for their one-dimensional characters and predictable plots. Imagine then this concept playing out as a television series. Potentially each season could focus on one premonition, leaving time for audiences to understand the characters, get attached to them and provide genuine suspense each episode as to which characters will survive. A television series could explore the concept of being hounded by death a bit deeper and develop the mythology of the series, maybe finally expanding on the role of the all-knowing coroner played by Tony Todd. Alternatively it could be an accident of the week kind of show, with one or two characters avoiding different forms of death each week with a plot through line connecting the deaths and maybe leading to a season finale that pulls the surviving characters together. Either way The Walking Dead has proved that television can handle gory and inventive deaths and so the series could feasibly cross over to the small screen. I could see a network such as NBC or ABC getting a hold of this one due to the fan-base that this series has already amassed.

I'm a 20 year old law student with a passion for film and television. I aim to not be too cynical about film and to approach writing as a speculative fan and not as a critic.