5 Reasons A&E's Bates Motel is Worth Checking Out

5. Watch It Free Online

bates motel Streaming technology has changed not only the way we watch television, but has given networks new outlets for their programming. Bates Motel is among several series whose first episodes are made available free for viewing to internet users and for download from movie and television subscription services. So if you missed the series premiere on A&E, there€™s no reason you can€™t check out the pilot episode of Bates Motel at eatv.com. If you subscribe to Xbox Live or Vudu, you can download the first episode for free. Once you€™re hooked, expect to pay for future episodes on line, but there€™s always free TV if you have the A&E network.

Not to be confused with the captain of the Enterprise, James Kirk is a writer and film buff who lives in South Carolina.