6 Characters The Next Breaking Bad Spin-Off Should Focus On

5. The Superhero Team S.C.I.E.N.C.E Cartoon

Breaking Bad Skinny Pete Badger

If you own the Season 3 DVD boxset, you might recognise this fun animated exploration into the cute drawings of superheroes Jesse shared with Jane in Season 2.

In a franchise now that is laced with such depressing and often visceral moments of violence, wouldn't it be a nice change of pace for us to relieve the tension and jump into the mind of a pot-raddled Jesse Pinkman?

Not only would this spin-off be a fun addition to the BB Mythology, but its concept is genuinely interesting with aspects from major characters throughout being used to inspire a team of superheroes.

It would be a very distant turn from what we would expect from the Breaking Bad universe; but establishing that this comes from the mind of Jesse Pinkman does still keep it squarely within universe.

Breaking Bad skewered a lot of our expectations, and boldly went down narrative paths we wouldn't have expected. So while it does not make sense, it would be somewhat logical for the next spin-off movie or miniseries to focus on a throwaway moment from seasons long ago, and drive a new narrative in that direction.

Plus, who doesn't want to watch Kanga Man back-hand a ninja army?

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!